Mass Kidnapping Horror – 50 Bus Passengers Vanish in Rebel Territory!
Armed individuals have abducted dozens of bus passengers traveling from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia's Oromia region. The incident occurred in Ali Doro, near the location where approximately 100 university students were kidnapped last July. Local media reports indicate the passengers were en route to Debre Markos in the Amhara region when armed men attacked, engaging in gunfire with local security forces. One source suggests multiple buses were targeted, resulting in at least one death and potentially 50 abductions. The Oromo Liberation Army (OLA), a rebel group operating in the area, states it is investigating the reported abductions. The OLA, which seeks self-determination for Ethiopia's Oromo ethnic group, was previously accused of similar kidnappings but denied involvement. The organization has been designated as a terrorist group by the federal parliament. The government has not yet commented on the incident, official responses […]