
Top Oil Chief Exposes Truth About Nigeria’s Fuel Quality Drama and Calls for Mining Revolution

NNPC Group Chief Executive Officer Mele Kyari addressed two significant matters during the Nigerian Mining & Geosciences Society's 60th Conference & Exhibition in Abuja on Tuesday: the future of mining innovation and concerns about fuel quality in Nigeria. During his keynote at the conference, themed "Transformation of the Mineral, Energy, Water, and Construction Sectors through Innovation," Kyari urged NMGS members to embrace new technologies and maintain continuous improvement practices to optimize the nation's natural resources and boost revenue generation. Addressing recent fuel quality concerns, Kyari firmly dismissed claims about substandard fuel in Nigeria's market, characterizing such allegations as "drama and entertainment" that constitute poor marketing practices. He explained that fuel standards vary by country, citing how European fuel requirements differ from Nigerian needs due to environmental factors. For instance, certain fuel additives mandatory in Europe would be detrimental to Nigeria's […]

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