Netflix’s New Hit, La Palma, Blends Natural Disaster with Family Drama
Netflix's latest sensation this Christmas is "La Palma," a four-part Norwegian disaster series that follows two main storylines set against the backdrop of an impending volcanic catastrophe in Spain's Canary Islands. The Plot: The story centers on a Norwegian family's annual Christmas vacation at a La Palma resort. Fredrik and his wife Jennifer's relationship shows signs of strain, while their children - teenage Sara and spectrum-child Tobias - navigate their own challenges. Meanwhile, at the La Palma Geological Institute, scientists discover disturbing signs of an imminent volcanic eruption. The Science Element: The show builds on real geological concerns: since La Palma's last eruption in 1949, a massive fault line has developed around the volcano's base. Scientists worry that the next eruption could cause a Manhattan-sized portion of the mountain to collapse into the ocean, triggering an unprecedented tsunami. Key Characters: […]