Margret Chola, a grandmother in her mid-80s from rural Zambia, has become an unexpected internet sensation after embracing a playful fashion project with her granddaughter. Known as “Legendary Glamma” to her 225,000 Instagram followers, Ms. Chola captivates audiences with her striking photoshoots featuring bold outfits and vibrant accessories.
The “Granny Series,” a bi-weekly Instagram project, was conceived by Diana Kaumba, a New York-based stylist and Ms. Chola’s granddaughter. During a visit to Zambia in 2023, Kaumba, inspired by her fashion-forward late father, decided to involve her grandmother in a unique photoshoot.
Ms. Chola, initially hesitant, agreed to the project, donning a silver pantsuit for her first foray into high fashion. Kaumba, in turn, wore her grandmother’s traditional attire. The resulting photographs, juxtaposing Ms. Chola’s glamorous style against the backdrop of her rural Zambian farm, quickly gained traction online.
The series gained significant momentum in April 2024 when Kaumba posted photos of her grandmother in a red Adidas dress, adorned with gold necklaces and a sparkling crown. The images went viral, garnering international attention and admiration for Ms. Chola’s fearless fashion sense.
Ms. Chola, who embraces a mix of vibrant colors, textures, and styles, has become an icon of maximalist-chic fashion. Her ensembles, often featuring bold sunglasses, oversized hats, and statement jewelry, reflect her personality and life story.
Kaumba carefully incorporates elements of her grandmother’s daily life into the photoshoots, including her beloved radio, a traditional wooden stick, and a charcoal brazier. These details provide a glimpse into Ms. Chola’s world and add depth to the project.
Beyond the stunning visuals, the “Granny Series” carries a powerful message about the value and contributions of older generations. Kaumba hopes to inspire others to cherish their elders and create lasting memories together.
Ms. Chola’s newfound fame has given her a renewed sense of purpose and confidence. She encourages others to embrace life without fear of judgment and to find forgiveness for past mistakes.
The “Granny Series” has not only brought grandmother and granddaughter closer but has also sparked a broader conversation about aging, intergenerational connections, and self-expression. Ms. Chola’s story serves as a reminder that age is no barrier to embracing new experiences and finding joy in unexpected ways.
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